Sustainable Forest Management Principles

Zavisha Sawmills Ltd. mission is to manage the public forests that have been entrusted to our care utilizing Sustainable Forest Management practices, and build on our experiences while supplying the fibre requirements for the mill facility in a cost effective manner. To achieve this we will:

  • Make forest sustainability an integral part of our business strategy utilizing the most appropriate forest management practices.
  • Conduct our forest management activities in compliance with all applicable legislation, regulations and applicable codes to which we subscribe.
  • Promote public awareness and provide for public input into forest management plans.
  • Respect Aboriginal and treaty rights and encourage their participation in our forest management plans.
  • Provide the necessary knowledge and safeguards to facilitate a safe environment for forestry workers and the public.
  • Increase our knowledge and expertise of sustainable forest management through the support of scientific research, education of staff and contractors, and incorporate new technologies and practices where available.
  • Continually monitor and improve our environment and sustainable forest management performance through rigorous regular internal and external evaluations and use the results to improve our performance.